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Database topics
British and Commonwealth History; News
  • [Pt. 1]
  • Pt. 2
Searchable full text of full runs of newspapers specially selected by the British Library to best represent nineteenth-century Britain. This new collection includes national and regional newspapers, as well as newspapers from: established country or university towns; the new industrial powerhouses of the manufacturing Midlands; and Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Special attention was paid to include newspapers that helped lead particular political or social movements such as Reform, Chartism, and Home Rule. Penny papers aimed at the working and clerical classes are also included.
  • [Pt. 1]
  • Pt. 2
Searchable full text of full runs of newspapers specially selected by the British Library to best represent nineteenth-century Britain. This new collection includes national and regional newspapers, as well as newspapers from: established country or university towns; the new industrial powerhouses of the manufacturing Midlands; and Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Special attention was paid to include newspapers that helped lead particular political or social movements such as Reform, Chartism, and Home Rule. Penny papers aimed at the working and clerical classes are also included.
Database topics
General and Reference Works; British and Commonwealth History; Language; British and Commonwealth Literary Studies; American Literary Studies; News; Government Information: United States
  • 1. Multi-title periodical indices. Poole's Index to periodical literature (1802-1906) ; Jones & Chipman's Index to legal periodical literature (1786-1922) ; Richardson's index to periodical articles in religion (1890-1899) ; The psychological index (1894-1905) ; Stead's Index to periodicals (1890-1906) ; Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals (1896-1899) ; Catalog of scientific papers--mechanics, physics, mathematics
  • 2. Book indexes and serial records. ALA guide to general literature ; Wright American fiction II (1851-1875) ; 19th century monograph records ; 19th century periodical records
  • 3. Newspaper indexes. New York times index (1863-1905) ; New York Daily Tribune Index (1875-1906) ; Palmer's Index to the Times (London) (1880-1890) ; Index to the Oregon spectator (1846-1854)
  • 4. Periodical indexes with full text links. Harpers magazine index (1850-1892) ; Atlantic monthly index (1857-1901) ; North American review (1815-1877) ; New England magazine index (1831-1835) ; Southern Historical Society papers ; The American missionary (1878-1901) ; The Bay State monthly (1884-1886) ; The American Whig review (1845-1852) ; The Century (1881-1899) ; The continental monthly (1862-1864) ; The Galaxy (1866-1878) ; Library journal index (1876-1897) ; The International monthly magazine (1850-1852) ; The living age (1844-1900) ; Manufacturer and builder (1869-1894) ; The old guard (1865-1867) ; Punchinello (1870) ; Putnam's monthly (1853-1870) ; Scientific American (1846-1869) ; Scribner's magazine (1887-1896) ; Scribner's monthly (1870-1881) ; The United States democratic review (1837-1859) ; The New England magazine (1886-1900) ; New Englander and Yale review (1843-1892)-- 5. Patent and government document indices. Congressional Record File. Subject matter index of patents issued by the U.S. (1790-1873) ; Descriptive catalog of the government publications of the U.S. (1774-1881) ; Compilation of the message and papers of the presidents (1789-1897) ; Hansard's Index to debates, House of Commons only (1803-1830) ; Hansard's Index to debates, House of Lords only (1803-1830) ; Cobett's Parliamentary history of England (1066-1803) ; Subject matter index of patents issued by the U.S. (1790-1873).
Indexes nineteenth century literature, including newspapers, periodicals, books, and government publications.
  • 1. Multi-title periodical indices. Poole's Index to periodical literature (1802-1906) ; Jones & Chipman's Index to legal periodical literature (1786-1922) ; Richardson's index to periodical articles in religion (1890-1899) ; The psychological index (1894-1905) ; Stead's Index to periodicals (1890-1906) ; Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals (1896-1899) ; Catalog of scientific papers--mechanics, physics, mathematics
  • 2. Book indexes and serial records. ALA guide to general literature ; Wright American fiction II (1851-1875) ; 19th century monograph records ; 19th century periodical records
  • 3. Newspaper indexes. New York times index (1863-1905) ; New York Daily Tribune Index (1875-1906) ; Palmer's Index to the Times (London) (1880-1890) ; Index to the Oregon spectator (1846-1854)
  • 4. Periodical indexes with full text links. Harpers magazine index (1850-1892) ; Atlantic monthly index (1857-1901) ; North American review (1815-1877) ; New England magazine index (1831-1835) ; Southern Historical Society papers ; The American missionary (1878-1901) ; The Bay State monthly (1884-1886) ; The American Whig review (1845-1852) ; The Century (1881-1899) ; The continental monthly (1862-1864) ; The Galaxy (1866-1878) ; Library journal index (1876-1897) ; The International monthly magazine (1850-1852) ; The living age (1844-1900) ; Manufacturer and builder (1869-1894) ; The old guard (1865-1867) ; Punchinello (1870) ; Putnam's monthly (1853-1870) ; Scientific American (1846-1869) ; Scribner's magazine (1887-1896) ; Scribner's monthly (1870-1881) ; The United States democratic review (1837-1859) ; The New England magazine (1886-1900) ; New Englander and Yale review (1843-1892)-- 5. Patent and government document indices. Congressional Record File. Subject matter index of patents issued by the U.S. (1790-1873) ; Descriptive catalog of the government publications of the U.S. (1774-1881) ; Compilation of the message and papers of the presidents (1789-1897) ; Hansard's Index to debates, House of Commons only (1803-1830) ; Hansard's Index to debates, House of Lords only (1803-1830) ; Cobett's Parliamentary history of England (1066-1803) ; Subject matter index of patents issued by the U.S. (1790-1873).
Indexes nineteenth century literature, including newspapers, periodicals, books, and government publications.
Database topics
British and Commonwealth History; Feminist Studies
This database contains 2.1 million pages of periodicals published in Great Britain from 1800-1900. It includes publications on women, children, leisure and sport, and humor, and the British Empire.
This database contains 2.1 million pages of periodicals published in Great Britain from 1800-1900. It includes publications on women, children, leisure and sport, and humor, and the British Empire.
Database topics
American History; News
Searchable database containing digital facsimile images of newspapers; presented as full page layout as well as single articles; advertisements and illustrations included. This collection includes numerous newspapers from a range of urban and rural regions throughout the U.S.; and it encompasses the entire 19th century.
Searchable database containing digital facsimile images of newspapers; presented as full page layout as well as single articles; advertisements and illustrations included. This collection includes numerous newspapers from a range of urban and rural regions throughout the U.S.; and it encompasses the entire 19th century.
Database topics
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
8 DVD-ROMs : ill. ; 4 3/4 in.
  • DVD 1. Beijing Shi, Tianjin Shi, Hebei Sheng, Shanxi Sheng, Neimenggu Zizhiqu
  • DVD 2. Liaoning Sheng, Jilin Sheng, Heilongjiang Sheng
  • DVD 3. Shanghai Shi, Jiangsu Sheng, Zhejiang Sheng, Anhui Sheng, Fujian Sheng
  • DVD 4. Jiangxi Sheng, Shandong Sheng, Henan Sheng
  • DVD 5. Hubei Sheng, Hunan Sheng, Guangdong Sheng
  • DVD 6. Guangxi Zangzu Zizhiqu, Hainan Sheng, Chongqing Shi, Sichuan Sheng, Guizhou Sheng
  • DVD 7. Yunnan Sheng, Xizang Zizhiqu, Shanxi Sheng, Gansu Sheng, Qinghai Sheng
  • DVD 8. Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu, Xingjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu.
  • DVD 1. 北京市, 天津市, 河北省, 山西省, 内蒙古自治区
  • DVD 2. 辽宁省, 吉林省, 黑龙江省
  • DVD 3. 上海市, 江苏省, 浙江省, 安徽省, 福建省
  • DVD 4. 江西省, 山东省, 河南省
  • DVD 5. 湖北省, 湖南省, 广东省
  • DVD 6. 广西藏族自治区, 海南省, 重庆市, 四川省, 贵州省
  • DVD 7. 云南省, 西藏自治区, 陕西省, 甘肃省, 靑海省
  • DVD 8. 宁夏回族自治区, 新疆维吾尔自治区.
  • DVD 1. Beijing Shi, Tianjin Shi, Hebei Sheng, Shanxi Sheng, Neimenggu Zizhiqu
  • DVD 2. Liaoning Sheng, Jilin Sheng, Heilongjiang Sheng
  • DVD 3. Shanghai Shi, Jiangsu Sheng, Zhejiang Sheng, Anhui Sheng, Fujian Sheng
  • DVD 4. Jiangxi Sheng, Shandong Sheng, Henan Sheng
  • DVD 5. Hubei Sheng, Hunan Sheng, Guangdong Sheng
  • DVD 6. Guangxi Zangzu Zizhiqu, Hainan Sheng, Chongqing Shi, Sichuan Sheng, Guizhou Sheng
  • DVD 7. Yunnan Sheng, Xizang Zizhiqu, Shanxi Sheng, Gansu Sheng, Qinghai Sheng
  • DVD 8. Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu, Xingjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu.
  • DVD 1. 北京市, 天津市, 河北省, 山西省, 内蒙古自治区
  • DVD 2. 辽宁省, 吉林省, 黑龙江省
  • DVD 3. 上海市, 江苏省, 浙江省, 安徽省, 福建省
  • DVD 4. 江西省, 山东省, 河南省
  • DVD 5. 湖北省, 湖南省, 广东省
  • DVD 6. 广西藏族自治区, 海南省, 重庆市, 四川省, 贵州省
  • DVD 7. 云南省, 西藏自治区, 陕西省, 甘肃省, 靑海省
  • DVD 8. 宁夏回族自治区, 新疆维吾尔自治区.
East Asia Library
Status of items at East Asia Library
East Asia Library Status
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 1 Unknown
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 1 In-library use
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 2 Unknown
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 2 In-library use
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 3 Unknown
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 3 In-library use
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 4 Unknown
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 4 In-library use
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 5 In-library use
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 5 Unknown
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 6 In-library use
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 6 Unknown
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 7 In-library use
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 7 Unknown
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 8 In-library use
HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 8 Unknown
Database topics
Earth Sciences
Full text database of publications of the AAPG.
Full text database of publications of the AAPG.
Database topics
Art, Architecture and Design; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
1 online resource.
A comprehensive database of over 133,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage. AATA now includes selected subject-specific bibliographies produced as part of the Getty Conservation Institute's own conservation and scientific research projects or as part of specific collaborative projects in which the Institute is involved.
A comprehensive database of over 133,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage. AATA now includes selected subject-specific bibliographies produced as part of the Getty Conservation Institute's own conservation and scientific research projects or as part of specific collaborative projects in which the Institute is involved.
Database topics
General and Reference Works; Economics and Business; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
Article citations and some full text articles in business-related publications. Includes the Wall Street journal.
Article citations and some full text articles in business-related publications. Includes the Wall Street journal.
Database topics
News; Philosophy; Science (General); Communication and Journalism; General and Reference Works
A multidisciplinary database which provides full-text for over 4,650 scholarly publications, more than 3,600 of them peer-reviewed. Includes topics in the social sciences, humanities, general science, education and most areas of academic study. Abstracts and indexing provided for 8,200 journals in the collection. Coverage is from 1965 to the present.
A multidisciplinary database which provides full-text for over 4,650 scholarly publications, more than 3,600 of them peer-reviewed. Includes topics in the social sciences, humanities, general science, education and most areas of academic study. Abstracts and indexing provided for 8,200 journals in the collection. Coverage is from 1965 to the present.
Database topics
Access World News from NewsBank provides full-text information and perspectives from over 600 U.S. and over 700 international sources, each with its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues. Date coverage varies with individual newspaper. Also includes thousands of broadcast transcripts, newswires, video clips, and news blogs
Access World News from NewsBank provides full-text information and perspectives from over 600 U.S. and over 700 international sources, each with its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues. Date coverage varies with individual newspaper. Also includes thousands of broadcast transcripts, newswires, video clips, and news blogs
Database topics
American History; News
CD-ROMs ; 4 3/4 in.
Green Library
Status of items at Green Library
Green Library Status
HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (non-circulating) Find it
F152 .A28 In-library use
Database topics
Science (General)
A collection of articles, bibliographies, study guides, dictionaries, etc. serving as a searchable encyclopedia of science and technology. Site includes McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science & technology, 8th ed., McGraw-Hill Dictionary of scientific & technical terms, 5th ed., and Yearbook of science and technology 1998, 1999, and 2000.
A collection of articles, bibliographies, study guides, dictionaries, etc. serving as a searchable encyclopedia of science and technology. Site includes McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science & technology, 8th ed., McGraw-Hill Dictionary of scientific & technical terms, 5th ed., and Yearbook of science and technology 1998, 1999, and 2000.
Database topics
Government Information: International and Foreign; General and Reference Works; Law; Political Science
Index provides access to current and retrospective United Nations documents and publications.
Index provides access to current and retrospective United Nations documents and publications.
Database topics
Government Information: International and Foreign; Political Science; Law; General and Reference Works; Economics and Business
Indexes a finite collection of United Nations Development Programme Project Reports issued and held by UN headquarters between the years 1972-1998. Provides access to evaluative, technical and terminal reports (available in full-text on microfiche from NewsBank/Readex) submitted to the UN by numerous participating and executing agencies.
Indexes a finite collection of United Nations Development Programme Project Reports issued and held by UN headquarters between the years 1972-1998. Provides access to evaluative, technical and terminal reports (available in full-text on microfiche from NewsBank/Readex) submitted to the UN by numerous participating and executing agencies.
Database topics
Computer Science
This site provides access to ACM journals and magazines, as well as conference proceedings.
This site provides access to ACM journals and magazines, as well as conference proceedings.
Database topics
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Database of chemical acronyms. Users may search the database, and may submit new acronyms for inclusion.
Database of chemical acronyms. Users may search the database, and may submit new acronyms for inclusion.
Database topics
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
The American Chemical Society is the leading publisher of peer-reviewed research in the chemical and related sciences, publishing 54 research journals plus Chemical & Engineering News, a weekly newsmagazine, the ACS Symposium Series, plus some reference books. Updated daily, covers 1879-present.
The American Chemical Society is the leading publisher of peer-reviewed research in the chemical and related sciences, publishing 54 research journals plus Chemical & Engineering News, a weekly newsmagazine, the ACS Symposium Series, plus some reference books. Updated daily, covers 1879-present.

18. ACS symposium series [1974 - ]

Database topics
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain)
Status of items at Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain)
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) Status
Database topics
Ancient Greek and Roman Culture; Religious Studies; Medieval Studies
4 CD-ROMS ; 4 3/4 in. + bibliography + quick reference guide + user guide
Database contains the complete Acta sanctorum, including all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indexes ... comprises the works published over a period of three hundred years by the Société des Bollandistes ... materials on the lives of the saints from the beginning of the Christian era to the end of the sixteenth century.
Database contains the complete Acta sanctorum, including all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indexes ... comprises the works published over a period of three hundred years by the Société des Bollandistes ... materials on the lives of the saints from the beginning of the Christian era to the end of the sixteenth century.
Green Library
Status of items at Green Library
Green Library Status
Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) Find it
BR1710 .A282 2002 BIBLIOGRAPHY Unknown
BR1710 .A282 2002 DISC 1-2 Unknown
BR1710 .A282 2002 DISC 3-4 Unknown
BR1710 .A282 2002 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Unknown
BR1710 .A282 2002 USER MANUAL Unknown
Database topics
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
1 online resource.
ACToR (Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource) is EPA's online warehouse of all publicly available chemical toxicity data and can be used to find all publicly available data about potential chemical risks to human health and the environment. ACToR aggregates data from over 1000 public sources on over 500,000 environmental chemicals searchable by chemical name, other identifiers and by chemical structure. The data warehouse: Allows users to search and query data from other EPA chemical toxicity databases including: ToxRefDB (30 years and $2 billion worth of animal toxicity studies); ToxCastDB (data from screening 1,000 chemicals in over 500 high-throughput assays); ExpoCastDB (consolidate and link human exposure and exposure factor data for chemical prioritization); DSSTox (provides high quality chemical structures and annotations). Includes chemical structure, physico-chemical values, in vitro assay data and in vivo toxicology data. Includes, but not limited to, high and medium production volume industrial chemicals, pesticides (active and inert ingredients), and potential ground and drinking water contaminants.
ACToR (Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource) is EPA's online warehouse of all publicly available chemical toxicity data and can be used to find all publicly available data about potential chemical risks to human health and the environment. ACToR aggregates data from over 1000 public sources on over 500,000 environmental chemicals searchable by chemical name, other identifiers and by chemical structure. The data warehouse: Allows users to search and query data from other EPA chemical toxicity databases including: ToxRefDB (30 years and $2 billion worth of animal toxicity studies); ToxCastDB (data from screening 1,000 chemicals in over 500 high-throughput assays); ExpoCastDB (consolidate and link human exposure and exposure factor data for chemical prioritization); DSSTox (provides high quality chemical structures and annotations). Includes chemical structure, physico-chemical values, in vitro assay data and in vivo toxicology data. Includes, but not limited to, high and medium production volume industrial chemicals, pesticides (active and inert ingredients), and potential ground and drinking water contaminants.